The Business Connection of New York was incorporated December 2, 1993. It was created to support the business development of its members through education, networking, house calls, and referrals. It is a forum for members to further their contact through interaction at semi-monthly meetings. Our membership consists of only one person per business category or profession.
I have been an active member of TBC for more than 20 years, as well as belonging to other networking groups during my almost 50 years in practice as an architect in NYC. Many of the groups had their stronger and weaker points, but TBC has been, by far, the most effective at referring business and providing professional camaraderie and knowledge over the long term. The close personal relationships that develop contribute strongly to making any referral meaningful and, by inference, more likely to be successful. This is a significant difference in how TBC operates and has resulted in business growth and long-term continuing membership, which further enhances these relationships.
Joe Tarella SawickiTarella Architecture+Design,PCOne project I particularly recall was a religious organization that was coming to the US to establish their presence and build a temple. It originally came to an attorney in the group for immigration, then to another to assist with the property purchase, then to me as the architect and finally to the furniture dealer to outfit the finished interior. The shared trust and quality work of all parties strongly contributed to the overall success of the project for everyone concerned, including the clients. It was a true networking grand slam.